Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small data file that is placed on the hard drive of your computer, tablet, smartphone or other device when you visit a website from your computer, tablet, smartphone or other device. When we refer to cookies, we include other similar technologies, such as flash cookies, pixel tags, web beacons or bugs (including transparent or clear gifs). Some cookies are functional and enable additional functionality when a user accesses the website (e.g. saving user preferences or language suggestions). Other cookies are non-functional, but allow us and third-party technology platforms to serve you with tailored messages and advertising relevant to a user’s interests. We use cookies to keep track of how you use our website and services, so we may provide a personalized service.

We use the following types of cookies:

  1. Required Cookies: Cookies that are required for you to operate and navigate our website, and use certain features. We store these cookies for the duration of your visit on our website.

  2. Functional Cookies: Cookies that allow us to measure how you access and use our website, so we may improve performance. These may include cookies a third-party places on our behalf. We store these cookies for up to two years.

We do not use the following types of cookies:

  1. Marketing Cookies: Cookies that serve targeted advertising or third-party content to you on our website. 

  2. Interaction Cookies: Cookies that allow you to interact with your social media accounts or to submit reviews and feedback, share your opinions, comment on or rate our products or services and chat with our customer service agents. We do not use technologies to serve third-party advertisements and marketing materials of any kind.We do not use cookies to display content from third parties.

How We Use Cookies

We use our cookies and other tracking technologies to collect persistent identification numbers to enable our website to recognize you as a repeat visitor and apply your settings and preferences you set on our website, and collect actions you take on our website and your browsing history. We will process your information in the EU and in the United States, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

How We Deploy Cookies

Cookies helps us deliver an effective and personalized online service to you.

Our Cookies. We deploy cookies to help us to identify and track how users navigate and use our website, to enable some of the features within the website that may be beneficial to you (e.g. allow you to adjust language preferences or advertising settings), and to recognize you when you return to certain pages of our website - this speeds up your access to the website, as you do not have to log in each time. 

We also use cookies to carry out research and statistical analysis to help improve our content, products and services and to help us better understand your requirements and interests, to make your online experience more efficient and enjoyable.  

Third-party cookies. We may also use cookies issued by third parties to track the websites you visited before and after visiting our website or search terms you used immediately prior to visiting our website. This helps us improve our online profile. Third-party suppliers (Google Analytics) are responsible for the cookies they set on our site. If you want further information please visit the website for the relevant third party.

Legal Basis Processing

The information we obtain from our use of cookies may contain your personal information but only where you voluntarily provide it (e.g. by completing an online form or entering your email address into a subscriber box) or where you purchase goods or services from us. We will process the personal information we obtain from Required Cookies (see above) based on our legitimate interests. We will process your personal information we obtain from Functional based on your consent. 

By continuing to browse on our website after our cookie banner displays, you consent to our deployment of cookies and use of your personal information as described in this Policy. If you do not wish to accept cookies from our website, or would like to stop cookies being stored on your device in the future, you can change the cookie settings in your web browser. See the “Help” section in your browser menu for guidance how to do this. Note that changing cookie settings may affect certain features within this website.