Why light therapy is a champion for nasal health

By: Gabbi Di Marino, fellow allergy sufferer and content manager


Our team at Fluo Labs knew that using light therapy for the treatment of nasal allergies symptoms could work (and would work well), but we wanted to dig deeper into our understanding of why our technology could be so efficient in alleviating the nagging symptoms of seasonal allergies. So, we undertook a series of studies to answer this important question and break down the specific biochemical interactions of our technology.  

Putting light therapy under a microscope

Before I dig deeper into our fascinating studies, I wanted to first spend some time on what happens during an allergic reaction when there isn’t any interference from treatments like over-the-counter medications or light therapy. Depending on the body in question, the immune response can be quite different. While some people experience no reaction, others, like myself, can have pretty intense reactions from allergens like pollen. Let’s say, for example, that your body also has a sensitivity to pollen. When pollen enters your nose, the inflammatory cells and proteins within your immune system would dramatically rush to your defense, and although they mean well, a nagging reaction occurs, mostly caused by the release of histamines - the key player in causing the bothersome symptoms of seasonal allergies. 

In our studies to dig deeper into the mechanism of action of our technology, we exposed the major players of an allergic reaction (human inflammatory cells and proteins) to our unique light formula and then recorded their reactions. The results of the study were enlightening! Of the many data points the study illuminated, one particularly interesting result showed that exposure to our light technology actually boosted IL-10, a potent, but natural regulator of inflammatory responses, and decreased histamine release! This suggests that exposure to our light therapy allowed the nose to have a calmer, more controlled response to allergens, giving it the power it needed to fight them off without pesky symptoms! 


While this graph is super scientific (and may be a bit hard to interpret out of the context of the full report), it is one of many pieces of data we collected that showed how much our technology was boosting the release of IL-10!

While this graph is super scientific (and may be a bit hard to interpret out of the context of the full report), it is one of many pieces of data we collected that showed how much our technology was boosting the release of IL-10!

While these results are preliminary and exploratory, they’re still incredibly fascinating and worked to affirm our mission to treat allergies with light. We intend to continue vigorous, additional studies to better explain how light therapy could prove to be a more efficient method of treatment for nasal allergies and other chronic conditions. 

If you found this article interesting, check out our previous post on light therapy’s proven and far-reaching benefits and applications! 

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