Brain fog - the often ignored symptom of hay fever

By Gabbi Di Marino, content manager and fellow allergy sufferer

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If you’re one of the 50+ million people in the U.S. whose currently under the pollen-covered finger of seasonal allergies, you know precisely how difficult it can be to go on with your day to day responsibilities. If you experience an unshakeable, bothersome brain fog that makes it next to impossible to focus, you’re not alone! Although scientists are still trying to pinpoint the exact inner workings of this phenomenon, brain fog caused by seasonal allergies is a real and troublesome problem. Before we break down this cognitive impairment, we first need to understand the workings of seasonal allergies and what exactly our body does to cause these reactions.

Hay fever 101

When seasonal allergens like pollen, grass, or mold crash into your nose uninvited, your body will release histamines as an immune response (think of histamines as your nose’s personal body-guards). Although they may mean well, they can cause a lot of trouble for us hay fever sufferers, and often bring about the pesky, day-ruining symptoms that seasonal allergies are infamous for: itchy eyes and throat, congestion, runny nose...all that jazz.  But later on in the reaction, your body will also release proteins called cytokines. These bad boys pack on inflammation, narrowing your airways and making your life even more miserable - but why, on top of the already nagging symptoms, does brain fog and fatigue happen? 

Inflammation interrupts your life


The most simple explanation for this brain fog and overall feeling of tiredness is the fact that these pesky reactions most likely affect all the other important functions that give your brain the energy it needs to make you feel like your peppy, energetic self. Things like missing a few hours of Zzz’s will have quite the effect on your overall focus for the day. But just imagine when the cycle continues over long periods of time, with no end in sight (not even your trusty cup of coffee can fix that kind of exhaustion). And when you’re not sleeping all that well and feel miserable when you are awake, other more serious problems can creep into your life, like decreased productivity at work or school, depression, and irritability. So, if you thought seasonal allergies just meant a little sniffle and some itchy eyes, think again - this is a serious chronic condition, people! 

Another possible reason to explain why seasonal allergies can bring about brain fog is the fact that the inflammation caused by hay fever can spread to your ears, more specifically causing blockage in the middle drainage tube known as the eustachian tube. When your ear can’t properly drain, you can feel like your head is literally being submerged under water. Not so fun.

While the answer for hay fever brain fog might not be clear, one thing is: seasonal allergies mess with your mind and your life in ways that aren’t always openly talked about. If you or someone you love is debilitated by hay fever symptoms, know that you’re not alone - Hang in there, guys!