Let’s get nosy - part 1
By Gabbi Di Marino, content manager and fellow allergy sufferer
Although you may not be able to see it all the time, your nose is a trusty and loyal friend, there to help you in more ways than one - but how much do you really know about your nose? Don’t feel bad if you can’t think of anything past its involvement with smell. After you're done reading our series, you’ll be a bonafide nose expert with a plethora of nose facts you can impress your friends with at your next dinner party (or zoom hangout). Now it’s time to get a little nosy (wink) and dish out some important facts that everyone should know about their nose, starting with its importance with breathing.
Don’t be a mouth breather - breathe through your nose instead!
If you aren’t already, here’s your sign to start actively breathing through your nose. The benefits of nose-breathing are vast, but let’s start with oxygen intake. When you breathe only through your mouth, your body misses out on a huge portion of the oxygen it needs (up to 90%!!!). And when the body is deprived of oxygen for long periods of time, it greatly increases your risk for developing serious illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. By breathing through your nose you can take much deeper breaths, engaging your lower lungs, and in turn, increasing the amount of oxygen you take in.
So long stress, hello deeper breathing
But that’s not all your nose can do! Not only does breathing through your nose increase oxygen intake, but it also can act as a natural stress reliever (talk about two birds one stone)! When your lower lungs are engaged, they activate their special calming nerve receptors. These guys tell your brain to release calming hormones to tackle stress levels, making you feel like you just finished a 45 minute yoga sesh. Conversely, breathing only through your mouth activates your stress nerves and makes your body feel as if it’s preparing for an “attack”. You can imagine the kind of damage long-term mouth breathing does to your body if it constantly feels on guard.
But that’s not all your nose can do! Not only does breathing through your nose increase oxygen intake, but it also can act as a natural stress reliever (talk about two birds one stone)! When your lower lungs are engaged, they activate their special calming nerve receptors. These guys tell your brain to release calming hormones to tackle stress levels, making you feel like you just finished a 45 minute yoga sesh. Conversely, breathing only through your mouth activates your stress nerves and makes your body feel as if it’s preparing for an “attack”. You can imagine the kind of damage long-term mouth breathing does to your body if it constantly feels on guard.
Filtered air for free? Yes, please!
Last but certainly not least, another tool your nose has on its belt is air filtration. Filled with microscopic hairs called cilia, your nose expertly filters the air as it passes through its channels, warming and preparing your breaths to be taken in by your lungs. The cilia blocks things like germs or other environmental hazards from entering your body, keeping it safe and healthy.
Impressive stuff, right? Who knew something so seemingly superficial could play such an important role in the upkeep of our body. Stay tuned for part 2, where we’ll delve into another incredible talent your nose possesses: it’s unique connection to memory.